How does the minor use Dropbox?
Students can share their business plan, PDP and other evidence with the teachers of the minor by using Dropbox. Teachers share material trough the same dropbox account, for example: lecture material, assessment planning and other relevant documents and schedules. On the deadline before the assessments all dropbox links will be shut down and the normal way of delivering pieces for students will stop.
Google Calendar
Sharing calendars makes it easier to make appointments with the people you work with. A useful function for planning purposes are meetings at suitable times for everybody. At first you need to subscribe to the nhl.minorondernemen calendar.
First login on the nhl.ondernemen account, then go to settings. If you have a subscription, continue to login with your own account on Google Calendar. From there you can place appointments in the shared Nhl ondernemen calendar. This calendar is also shared with students.
How is Calendar used?
Teachers put peer appointments, guest lectures and lectures on Google calendar. Students can not adjust these items, they can observe them. The calendar is designed to stick to the plan
Google Mail
Most of the stakeholders use Gmail as standard email account. NHL entrepreneurship has its own account.
Google Drive
Google drive works a lot like dropbox. The main difference is that two people can work on one document at the same time. There is also a chat function to talk while working on the document. The manual for the minor entrepreneurship is written and manipulated in google drive. All stakeholders work on this document.
If you have a Google account you can also work with Drive. Use your own login and you can create your own maps and documents. You can work on different locations as well and share your documents with different computers and persons.
The minor entrepreneurship has his own and open linkedin group. Everybody can start discussions here for interested people inside or from outside the minor. There will also be polls and events that can be posted. Every minor needs to know the importance of linkedin, so new students can participate and ask questions to each other and external people.
You can login with your own account and the owner can make you a member.
Short messages about guest lectures or meetings with a possibility to add photos.
Minor entrepreneurship has his own Facebook page to post events. For example with photos. On this page students can communicate and promote each other’s companies. Besides that it is a handy tool to keep an eye on alumni and stay in contact.
login can with an own account. A manager (Teacher at the moment) can make you a member.